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Novelties at Sponsored Ads

26 Apr, 2024 | Amazon, Featured

We’ve been without delving into the launches and novelties that Amazon usually has in store for us on its Sponsored Ads platform for some time now. In this article, we’re going to discuss two of them that are very useful for the results they provide and, besides being very effective, save us a good amount of time in execution. 

First Novelty: Adding segments to manual campaigns from automatic campaigns. 

To understand this novelty, let’s start by explaining the types of existing segmentations and their utilities. 

We have two types of segmentations: manual segmentation and automatic segmentation. We’ll detail each of them so that we can understand correctly what the new functionality provides. 

Manual Segmentation: We manually choose the keywords or specific products to bid on in our campaigns. It serves us especially well when we know our product or brand very well, when we know exactly which keywords we want to appear for, or which specific products we want to target. For this, within the manual campaigns, we have 3 different segmentation options: 

  • Keyword Segmentation: It is the most common segmentation and is used in Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand campaigns. Based on the user’s search, we return the related product. In this case, the user searches for hair dryers, and the advertised products are related to that search.
  • Product Segmentation: It is used in Sponsored Product and Sponsored Brand campaigns. What is done is to choose specific products from our brand or the competition to segment our ads. With this segmentation, we appear within the product detail pages, in the product carousel, and offer users more variety from our catalog.
  • Category Segmentation: It is used in campaigns for all three Sponsored Ads formats: Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brand, and Sponsored Display. It involves choosing specific categories related to our products such as Language Learning and Teaching, Study and Review Guides, Dictionaries, Grammar… to segment our ads. With this type of campaign, we will segment ASINs belonging to the same category as our products and generate brand awareness and reach new users.


Automatic Segmentation: In this type of segmentation, the platform will segment by keywords and products that are like the products we advertise. It serves us to obtain learnings, see how users search for and buy our products, and then apply them in our manual campaigns. 

Automatic segmentation is excellent when launching a new product or when starting to advertise and not knowing who or how users can acquire our ASINs. With this format, we select our products to advertise and are given the option to choose among segmentations of similar, complementary, substitute products… This way, the platform will impact users who are searching with related keywords or similar products, and after a while, we will obtain data relevant enough to know who we want to impact. It will provide us with specific ASINs and keywords that we can apply in future manual campaigns. 

And here’s the first novelty! Very recently, in these campaigns, we are allowed, from the campaign itself, to select the terms that are performing best and directly add them to our manual campaigns. This new option is still in beta format, and in the case of ad groups with more than one advertised product, it currently does not allow using this new option. But once it is fully available, it will be useful for campaign optimization. 

It is a very interesting initiative because now there is no need to manually note down all the keywords that interest you to include them later in your different campaigns, but you can directly incorporate them and select where to include them from the same campaign, greatly facilitating the work. 

Within the campaign, in the section of search terms, we can use different filters such as sales, impressions… and with the terms that appear to us, just by selecting them, we open a menu where we choose in which ad group we want to include them. 

Regarding the match types, we can choose any of the available ones and it even offers the option to set the bid. 


Second Novelty: Theme Segmentation in Sponsored Brands 

Amazon brings us a new modality in this format to facilitate campaign creation and increase its performance once again. At Amazing, we are fans of the Sponsored Brands format because it is the most branding/awareness format and offers very powerful NTB users, necessary for brands. 

What does this novelty consist of? Until now, it was necessary to include a specific list of keywords related to your products or brand, with a previous research effort before launching a manual campaign. And with this novelty, the option of segmentation by themes is offered, with which the platform optimizes automatically to search for keywords based on the campaign objective and constantly updates them to help the campaign reach that set goal. 

Theme segmentation allows us to create this campaign in a simplified way with a segmentation group and a single bid for that group. Subsequently, the keywords of the selected segmentation will be automatically optimized so that we can maintain and achieve the objectives. 

To conclude about this novelty, two keyword options are offered: one of keywords related to the landing page and another related to the brand. The first segment is for relevant keywords to drive Store traffic, and the second is to promote the brand.  

In summary, Amazon continues to advance and use its technology so that more and more manual tasks are performed in an automated way so that campaign managers and planners can truly optimize their time on what really matters and not on repetitive and periodic tasks. 

If you want to know how we work with these novelties and many others both in Sponsored Ads campaigns and in DSP, contact us as we can surely help grow your business and take you to another dimension on Amazon. Don’t hesitate, contact us NOW!” 


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