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Amazon Sponsored Brand Videos | One Sheet Paper

30 Dec, 2022 | Advertising, Amazon, Brand, Featured


Amazon Sponsored Brand Videos is a Sponsored Ads format which helps in an effective way, to reach more customers and increase the brand’s visibility on Amazon. The video format is highly engaging, interactive, and helps potential customers to quickly and easily learn more about your product or services. With these videos, you can showcase the features of your products in an appealing and informative way, which gives potential customers an up-close and personal look at what you have to offer. Amazon Sponsored Brand Videos is designed to drive conversions and encourage audiences to purchase products or services from your brand. With the help of these videos, you can reach a wider audience, build trust and loyalty, and help your brand stand out from the competition.

Sponsored Brand Video is a new format launched in 2022. The ad is shown in a very good placement and very notorious. Still not used by lots of advertisers so a good opportunity for those brands with products which need a further explanation before buying them.

We have summarized the most important aspects you must know about the type of videos the advertisers should develop for the Sponsored Brand Video advertising format and compiled them into a One Sheet Paper. We invite you to read it through and download the PDF here: Sponsored Brand Videos One Sheet Paper.

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