+34 917 10 50 86

Terms & Conditions


In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11, about information society services and electronic commerce, Amazing Sales Consulting SL, owner of the website www.amazingagency.io and its content, makes available to users of this website with residence or access from the Spanish territory, the next general information: www.amazingagency.io y de su contenido, pone a disposición de los usuarios de esta página web con residencia o acceso desde el territorio español, la siguiente información de carácter general:

Company name: Amazing Sales Consulting SL

Registered office: Nuñez Morgado Street, 3, 4ºA 28046 Madrid

Contact: For any question you can contact Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. through the next means:

Spain telephone 917 10 50 86

E-Mail: hola@amazingagency.io

Data of inscription in the Official Register:


Tax Identification Number: B88009220




The access to and use of the website www.amazingagency.io will be ruled by and be subject to these conditions of use.

The use of the website www.amazingagency.io attributes the condition of User. The access to and use of the website www.amazingagency.io implies a full and unreserved acceptance of these general conditions, so the user must read them carefully every time you access to the website.

Amazing Sales Consulting recommends to the user a regular printout of these general conditions, keep them in his possession. In case of doubt, raises through the contact e-mail address any question that may has in relation to the use of the website that is allowed according to these conditions of use.


In general, users will be able to access the website. www.amazingagency.io/es/ freely and free of charge. However, Amazing Sales Consulting reserves the right, in accordance with current Spanish legislation, to limit the access to certain areas of the website. The user, to get this access, must register providing all the information requested, in an updated and real way.

The authorised access to these reserved areas may be controlled through the use of a username and password, the composition must be proposed by the user and validated by the systems administrator of the website.

El uso del nombre de usuario y la contraseña es personal e intransferible, no estando permitida la cesión por parte del usuario, ni siquiera temporal, a terceros. En tal sentido, el usuario se compromete a hacer un uso diligente y a mantener en secreto los mismos, asumiendo toda la responsabilidad por las consecuencias de la divulgación a terceros.

In the event that the user knows or suspects the use of your password by third parties, you must inform Amazing Sales Consulting, SL through one of the means of contact listed in the previous section about General Information.


The user undertakes to use the information and services of the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ in accordance with the law and with these general conditions and do not incur in actions that infringe the rights of Amazing Sales Consulting or third parties, or may attempt against morality, good customs, public order or the rules of network etiquette.

Also, by way of illustration only and not exhaustively, it is considered absolutely forbidden to use the website for the next purposes or consequences:

Performing acts contrary to the Intellectual Property rights and/or Industrial Property of Amazing Sales Consulting or its legitimate owners.

Diffusing contents or propaganda of a political, racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, contrary to human rights or making an apology for terrorism.

Destroying, altering, disabling or any other way of damaging the data, programs or electronic documents of Amazing Sales Consulting or third parties.

Obstructing the entry of other users to the access service through the massive consumption of computer resources whereby Amazing Sales Consulting provides the service, as well as performing actions that damage, interrupt or generate errors in such systems.

Causing damage to the computer systems of Amazing Sales Consulting, its suppliers or third parties and/or introduce or spread computer viruses, programs, macros, applets, Active X controls or any other type of physical or logical systems that cause or may cause damage to computer systems.

Reproducing or copying, distributing, allowing the public access through any form of public communication, transforming or modifying the contents unless you have the authorization of the owner of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.

Using the contents and in particular the information of any kind obtained through the Portal to send advertising, communications for direct sales purposes or any other kind of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages addressed to a plurality of staff regardless of their purpose, or market or disseminate in any way that information.

The user will be liable for the damages of every nature that Amazing Sales Consulting or third parties may suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of the breach of any of the obligations arising from these conditions of use or the law in relation to the use of this website.

Amazing Sales Consulting will ensure every time for the respect to the current legal system in the use by the users of this website, and reserves the right to deny discretionary the access, at any time and without prior notice, of any user to this website or any part of it when any of the conducts not permitted in accordance with these conditions of use occur.


Amazing Sales Consulting reserves the right, without prior notice and at any time, to temporarily or permanently suspend access to the website www.amazingagency.io/es/, as well as the provision of any or all of the contents and to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the page, in relation to its contents, services and information offered, the presentation or location and the conditions of access and use of the website.

The website www.amazingagency.io/es/ provides access to a lot of information, services, programs or data made available to users by Amazing Sales Consulting SL, as well as by third party users and/or third party content providers.

The contents are offered by Amazing Sales Consulting SL. in good faith. Given the huge amount of information being offered, some of the data or information may not be completely accurate or updated, although Amazing Sales Consulting SL. makes significant efforts to be correct.

Amazing Sales Consulting, SL. does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of the contents of this website, so the use of them is carried out on their own and risk by users without, in any case, being able to demand responsibilities from Amazing Sales Consulting, SL in this sense.


The user acknowledges the industrial and intellectual property rights of Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. or, in his case, of third parties on the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ and the elements making up the website (among other photographs, drawings, texts, audio, video, software, design, identification signs, HTML code, JAVA or Java Script applets, ActiveX controls, etc.) Also are protected the logos, domains and brands owned by Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. or about which this company may hold some kind of rights. Through the website the brands of third parties could be advertised, being the last relationship just enunciative and in no case limitative.

In no case the access to the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ and its use, imply cession, transmission or any type af waiver, neither total nor partial of Intellectual and/or Industrial Property rights by Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. or its legitimate owners, even both were authorized by Amazing Sales Consulting.

Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. reserves the rights of reproduction, modification, adaptation, public communication, maintenance, correction of errors, cession, sale, rental, loan and any other right of intellectual or industrial property that could correspond to the contents of the website www.amazingagency.io/es/

The access to the pages does not provide any type of right relating to, for example, the exploitation, transformation, decompilation, distribution or public communication of the contents, unless has been obtained by writing an authorisation from Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. or from the third party holders of these rights. The user will only be able to view and obtain a private copy of the contents so long as, that copy is just and exclusively for personal and private use. Use it for commercial purposes is absolutely forbidden.

The user will not be able, in any case, to modify or suppress the identification data existing in his case, from the rights of Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. or of third parties on the contents. The user may only access to the contents through the means or procedures that have been made available for this purpose on the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ or are habitually used on the Internet for this purpose, so long as they do not imply infringement of Intellectual Property rights or any kind of damage to the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ and / or its information and services offered.

All the information received on this page, such as commentaries, suggestions or ideas, through texts, images, sounds, or any form of software, will be considered transferred to Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. free of charge. It is totally forbidden for users to send information that cannot be treated in this way.

The complains could be filed by users in relation to possible breaches of intellectual and industrial property rights over any of the contents of the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ should be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the General Information section or by post addressed to the address of Amazing Sales Consulting SL for the attention of the Contact Department, whichever means the user considers most reliable in order to be able to accredit the filing of the complain.


Amazon Sales Consulting, S.L. will not be responsible in the event of service interruptions, delays, errors, malfunctions and, in general, other inconveniences for user access to this website.

In any case, whatever the cause that prevents or hinders user access to the website, Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. will not assume any responsibility, against users either for direct or indirect damage, consequential damage and / or lost profits, so the access to this website implies the user’s express waiver of any claim for that cause.

The user will be the only responsible for any infringements that may be incurred or the damages that may be caused by the use of the website www.amazingagency.io/es/, being exonerated Amazing Sales Consulting, SL from any liability. The user is the only responsible for any claim or legal action, judicial or extrajudicial initiated by third parties against Amazing Sales Consulting, SL, or against the user, based on the use of the service. The user assumes all expenses, costs and indemnities caused to Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. on the occasion of that claims or legal actions.

Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. makes available to users a series of links, banners and other links. The access to other websites of third parties through these connections or links will be made under the only responsibility of those who perform these acts. Amazing Sales Consulting, SL will not be responsible, in any case, for any damages that may result from these uses or activities.

Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L., will not be responsible in any case for the services and/or products offered and/or provided by third parties through the website www.amazingagency.io/es/. The use that can be done of the information and content appearing on the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ will be done under the sole responsibility of the user.

Nevertheless the above, Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. guarantees that in the case of knowing, in the accordance with the resolution issued by the competent public organisation, the illegality of the content of any of the pages to which it is linked from the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ will do all the necessary measures for the removal of the link to that page as soon as possible.

Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L., assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury on the user´s software or hardware arised from the access to the website www.amazingagency.io/es/ or the use of information or applications contained therein. It will be the user’s obligation to have an updated antivirus program that protects properly your computer and programs with authorized and valid use license to allow the compatibility of your computer with contents that may be disclosed on the Internet.

In terms of responsibility for content, the users will be able to file their complaints through the e-mail address indicated in the General Information section or by mail addressed to the address of Amazing Sales Consulting for the attention of the Contact Department, to choice of the means most reliable for the user in order to prove the filing of the complaint.

Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L., does not guarantee the contents of its page are suitable or available in the country from the user accesses to it. In case of all or part of the contents of the page of Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. are considered illegal under the law applicable to the country from the user accesses, the access to them is forbidden and in the event that this occurs, it will be just under the responsibility of users, being obliged to comply with national laws of application.


The establishment of any “hyperlink” between a web page and the web page www.amazingagency.io/es/ will be subject to the next conditions:

– The total or partial reproduction of any of the services or contents of this website is not allowed.

– Deep-links will not be established with the web page www.amazingagency.io/es/, nor of its services, nor will be created a browser or border environment on them.

– The website where the hyperlink is established will not contain any trademark, commercial name, shop sign, name, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L.

– Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L. will not be responsible, under any circumstance, for the contents or services made available to the public in the web pages from which the hyperlink is made, nor for the information and statements included in it.


Amazing Sales Consulting, S.L., only obtains and keeps the following information about the users visiting its website when they navigate through unrestricted areas by logging with usernames and passwords:

– The provider’s domain name (PSI) gives them access to the network. For example, a user of the XXX provider will only be identified with the domain xxx.es. In this way we can compile statistics on the countries and servers that visit our website most often.

– The date and time of access to our website. This allows us to find out the hours of more affluence and to make the necessary adjustments to avoid problems of saturation in our peak hours.

– The internet address where the the link that goes to our website started. Thanks to this data, we can know the effectiveness of the different banners and links pointing to our server, in order to promote the best performers results.

– The number of daily visitors to each section. This allows us to know the most successful areas and increase and improve their content, for the purpose of the users get a more satisfactory result.

The information obtained in these cases is totally anonymous, and in no case can it be associated with a specific and identified user.


View cookies policy.


View privacy policy.


The login and use of the website www.amazingagency.io/es/, and its contents, are subject to Spanish legislation. By accessing to this website, the user expressly submits any dispute that could arise in relation to the interpretation of these conditions of use, or your access and use of the website, to Spanish law and the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid (Spain).

The user will be able to exercise at any time their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a written request to Amazon Sales Consulting, S.L., Calle Nuñez Morgado, 3 4ºA 28036 Madrid, or to the following address e-mail address privacy@amazingagency.io, including in the communication the Reference “Exercise of rights-Personal Data Protectionwww.amazingagency.io”.