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Although we have just arrived from the Easter holidays and we are still in vacation mode, we are already immersed in another of the great events of the year in Amazon: Mother’s Day, which this year will be Sunday, May 7th.  

Either because you sell products that are appropriate to gift to mothers or because you just want to take advantage of the increase in traffic that Amazon will have the previous weeks, you must make optimizations and activate adhoc marketing pillars so that, that traffic becomes to conversion.  

In Amazing we know that the sum of all the actions to activate will have their results. We have been planning and activating actions for our clients for more than 6 Mother’s Days so therefore, we leave you some recommendations if, you have not yet got down to work and you have been caught on the wrong foot. 


1.- Amazon Retail Data: Catalogue Selection. 

If you are a seller of a feminine product (for example, a cosmetic product, a fragrance, women’s clothing, accessories …) the first thing you will have to do is analyse well with which product or range of products you will want to address the event. It is not enough to say that with all – in fact of course you will want to sell your entire catalogue – but we refer to which ones you are going to use as a spearhead for the event. How can you decide if you are not sure? Here are some recommendations: 

  • Analyse the best-selling products of Mother’s Day 2022. A good way is to check Amazon reports (whether you are a vendor or seller) and analyse what your top sales were last year.  
  • Once you have the catalogue you will have to analyse at what price you sold them and if this year you are able to reach the same price or a similar one. Perhaps you have had to raise prices and some of them are no longer profitable to sell it at the price of 2022 because you do not have enough margin. 
  • Check if you activated any promotion and the dates when they were active. You will have to see which ones were more appealing or depended more on the promotion and verify, within the typology of promotions which worked best. And with that, design your promotions for the event. Be aware that you will only be able to activate coupons and maybe something else, but you are already in a hurry! 
  • If you had enough stock to cover the demand. Many times, we are very conservative and at times we could have sold more if we had had more units to offer. Remember that, on Amazon, with promotions, the discount is only applied if you sell so keep calm.  
  • If you have specific gift products (such as gift sets, bags, specific packs, packs with routines …) do not miss the opportunity to push them in some way.  
  • If you have seasonal products (spring – summer) it is an event in which you will have to push them so that you start selling them considerably or to give them that necessary push so that the following months, already with traction, you can achieve your target volumes. 
  • If within your catalogue of the year you have newly created products or in the launch phase, also take them into account to either activate a Born2Run if Amazon has not requested you yet (if you are selling in Vendor mode) or to send stock on time to Amazon warehouses and have them ready on an optimal date to comply with the delivery.  


2.- Amazon Retail Content – Catalogue Optimization. 

If you have already gone through all the previous points, you have defined your catalogue, your top products, your promotions and if you are going to support a launch product, here we leave you what you have to do with these products in terms of their product detail pages: 

  • Title Optimization: please check well that the titles comply with Amazon’s indexing taxonomy, include the brand, product name, format, weight… and the 2 keywords related to the highest number of searches.  
  • Bullets optimization: give them a good review and not only including the relevant keywords but also review the questions that the user asks (if they ask it is because the information related to the product is not clear) and the reviews / comments that can show us some relevant aspect that we have not included in the main page.  
  • Image review and optimization if applicable: take a look at the images and verify that they are perfect, are with the right dimensions, can be enlarged and highlight the product and its differential values well. 
  • If you have video include it in the seventh position of the images. And if you have 7 images and video, our recommendation is that you sacrifice one image to accommodate the video.  
  • It is important that the products that are going to be pushed with advertising have A + (it would be great if all the catalogue has it active but if it is not the case at least those that will be shown more frequently if the advertising is well done, they must have it) and if they already have it verify that it is correct, complete and well-structured helping offering more information of the product to the user to convert.  
  • Activate the Brand Story. It is simple and serves to the entire catalogue. Note that only sellers who have their trademark registered in the Brand Registry can activate it. 
  • Do a good keyword research and include those words that are used more in promotional period or event (example: gift, mother, pack …) so that your product has more opportunity to go out in the searches organically.  


These optimizations should be carried out constantly but if you do not have the resources or time to do them, at least do it during the event period. The user does not look the same when he is going to give a present than when he is going to buy in a timeless moment so take advantage and go for that consumer.  


3.- Activation of advertising campaigns.  

Everything is ready to give products the gasoline they need to succeed. Remember that those who are not Retail Ready better not to push them but if you must take them forward try to include them in variation so that they take advantage of their “brothers” with good performance and ratios.  

In advertising we can push products through the two platforms that Amazon offers: Sponsored Ads and DSP. It is true that many sellers cannot reach the minimum investments that Amazon requests to activate the DSP but thanks to the fact that Amazing is an Advanced Partner, if you want, we can activate lower budget campaigns although we will recommend the minimum investment depending on your category and product so that the activation is profitable.  

And considering this aspect, we give you a few tips related to Sponsored Ads. 

  • If you had advertising activity at the same event last year, review the data to see what worked and what didn’t. In Sponsored Ads, on the console, only the data from 90 days ago is saved – hopefully you were cautious and have the data saved when last year you did the evaluation of the event.  
  • Depending on the budget you have, define how many products you are going to push. Keep in mind that the concentration in a certain number of products is better than the dispersion to be present every day as many hours as possible than to run out of budget during the morning.  
  • Use the products in promotion in advertising. It is important that they really help us sell the rest of the products in our catalogue.  
  • If you have a brand store with the offers tab activated, be smart and use the Sponsored Brand format redirecting to that tab. And regarding the products you use in this format (you know there are 3) play with promotional products also mixing some new release so that it helps you get traction and gain awareness. 
  • Control your brand keywords very well and protect your super products well.  After all the work you don’t want your competitors to take the purchase. When it comes to protecting your detail pages, do it with complementary products that help you with cross selling.  
  • Try that the keywords for which you are going to push in advertising are also included in your product sheets. The greater the relevance, the lower the cost.  
  • Do not get carried away by the movements of the competition and be faithful to your strategy. Each brand looks for a goal and you never know if copying your competitors is appropriate. 
  • Use the right Sponsored Ads formats for your goals. It is said that Sponsored Product is the most performance-oriented format, but the success comes from the correct combination of this along with Sponsored Brand and with the Display format.  
  • Activate campaigns at least 3 weeks in advance so that they gain traction. The user researches and buys in advance so being active those weeks will be key to have greater visibility and, from the consumer’s point of view, that the purchase arrives on time for the indicated date. 


At Amazing, we’re experts on how to work on key moments during events like this Mother’s Day. If you want us to advise you or know more about how we can help you achieve success on Amazon, do not hesitate to get in touch, without any commitment, at hola@amazingagency.io 

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